Images and symbols of the relationship. nicola’s story

Author/s Angelo Picerno
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/1
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 131-137 File size 114 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2020-001008
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Starting from a clinical report, the author proposes an analytical re-reading of a psychological journey with a systemic relational orientation which got interrupted at the end of the fourth appointment leaving a double sense of success and failure. The case is re-approached with a twofold perspective, weaving together the theme of the images, making the encounter particularly rich, and the active dynamics of transfer/countertransference which highlight the emergence of complex unconscious aspects in the relationship. The product of this admixture is a reflection on other possible scenarios, where these variables (images and relationship) find different forms in the course of the work carried out.

Keywords: Transference/countertransference; images; proximity/distance; mirroring; break.

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Angelo Picerno, Immagini e simboli della relazione. Il caso di Nicola in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 1/2020, pp 131-137, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2020-001008