Learning and de-learning in everyday life. A case study of an Italian multiethnic district

Author/s Loretta Fabbri, Claudio Melacarne
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/1
Language Italian Pages 37 P. 18-54 File size 335 KB
DOI 10.3280/ERP2020-001002
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The article presents a qualitative research aims to understand how learning processes could be supported to develop more inclusive personal perspectives and social practices in order to manage the emerging multiethnic society. The study has been conducted in 2020 in a district of an Italian medium city that has changed deeply the demographical structure. Three spaces have been studied: a park, the local merchants and a secondary school. The framework used is linked to Trans-formative Learning Theory. The research describes how multiethnicity could be positioned in the large debate on diversity. It is a disoriented dilemma that usually is approached with dichotom-ic approaches and instrumental oriented politics. It is rarely understood as a ques-tionable issue and rarely investigated as a learning process that needs to be sup-ported and validated.

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Loretta Fabbri, Claudio Melacarne, Apprendere e disapprendere nei contesti di vita quotidiana. Il caso di un quartiere multietnico in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 1/2020, pp 18-54, DOI: 10.3280/ERP2020-001002