Co-epistemological modeling for academic development: The Prodid Uniba project

Author/s Loredana Perla, Viviana Vinci
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/0
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 11-30 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/exioa0-2021oa11125
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The academic professional development represents a strategic way to improve students’ learning outcomes and contribute to social progress. Universities are responsible to support teaching innovation and teaching qualification processes through Faculty Development actions. One of the key skills to be fostered in university training courses is teaching and syllabus design. It is the careful syllabus drafting that assures the alignment and internal consistency between objectives, learning outcomes and assessment strategies. The results of a comparative analysis between syllabi in the pedagogical area and subjectspecific area (N: 94) are presented, specifically from four degree courses of the University of Bari: two in the pedagogical area (L19, LM85); two in subjectspecific areas (LMG/01, L30). The comparative analysis was carried out to understand the degree of clarity, consistency and heterogeneity in theUniversity documents and to identify critical elements and areas for possible improvement. The analysis revealed some results useful to guide future improvement strategies both at research level as well as in staff development initiatives: among all, the strategy of structuring, within the Teaching and Learning Centers, interdisciplinary teams composed of by teachers belonging to different epistemological perspectives who can cooperate in syllabus design and in peer learning practices.

Keywords: Faculty development, professional development, Syllabus, Teaching Learning Center, interdisciplinary teams

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Loredana Perla, Viviana Vinci, Modellistiche co-epistemologiche per la formazione del docente universitario: il progetto Prodid Uniba in "EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING" 0/2021, pp 11-30, DOI: 10.3280/exioa0-2021oa11125