Deconstructing cultural differences: An exploratory study on future educator’s perspectives

Author/s Stella Milani, Marika Rullo
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/2
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 86-110 File size 380 KB
DOI 10.3280/ERP2020-002004
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The article presents the first results of an exploratory research on cultural pluralism carried out with 197 students of Education and Training Sciences of the University of Siena (Italy).The study aimed to explore the dimensions of cultural humility and recognition of social privilege here considered as crucial premises for a critical deconstruction of social representations of migrants. In the first section of the article, we present the theoretical framework based on which we defined the research questions. The second section of the paper includes the presentation of the research methodology and the results of the analysis of data at the light of the theoretical framework. The results of the study provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion on future educator’s perspective on cultural differences and on the role of academic training in ensuring transformative learning processes.

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Stella Milani, Marika Rullo, Decostruire le differenze culturali: una ricerca esplorativa sulle prospettive dei futuri educatori in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 2/2020, pp 86-110, DOI: 10.3280/ERP2020-002004