Educators, social workers, psychologists and teachers: A tool for self-assessment of students’ professional representations

Author/s Paola Ricchiardi, Emanuela M. Torre, Lara Colombo, Marilena Dellavalle, Chiara Ghislieri, Paola Torrioni
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 49-64 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/erpoa1-2021oa11510
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The socio-psycho-educational professions present distinct professional curricula in Italy, due to the need to train professionals with a differentiated profile of skills. However, the social, educational and psychological work are often considered similar by students who are orienting themselves, for of an alleged common denominator, connected above all to the ethical aspects of the profession and to the recipients of the “educational or care actions” (eg children, frail subjects). It is not uncommon to find misconceptions andincorrect representations not only in the orientation phase, but also in students who have already arrived more than half of their studies, with the risk of generating drop out, transition to other courses or unsatisfied longterm professional disruption. It is therefore important to accompany students adequately to choose the professional field that best suits their propensities and attitudes, through the use of specific self-assessment tools. For this purpose, a self-assessment scale has been worked out for the socio-psychopedagogical professions. The tool was administered to the second/third year students of the study courses involved (educational sciences, psychological sciences, social service and teacher education), to identify the most frequent misconceptions, to inspire future interventions for the secondary schools.

Keywords: vocational guidance, educational work, social work, psychological work, self-assessment, misconceptions

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Paola Ricchiardi, Emanuela M. Torre, Lara Colombo, Marilena Dellavalle, Chiara Ghislieri, Paola Torrioni, Educatori, assistenti sociali, psicologi e insegnanti: uno strumento per l’autovalutazione delle rappresentazioni professionali degli studenti in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 1/2021, pp 49-64, DOI: 10.3280/erpoa1-2021oa11510