Scars that Never Heal: Dualisation and Youth Employment Policies in Spain from the Great Recession to the Corona Crisis

Author/s Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/159
Language English Pages 22 P. 111-132 File size 342 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2021-159006
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This article analyses the evolution of the dual labour market in Spain in the post-crisis and provides a first assessment of the labour market impact of the Covid-19 crisis. With the only exception of reducing the distance between the regulation of temporary and permanent contracts, the reforms introduced during the great re-cession and the post-crisis period have not only failed to reduce inequalities in the labour market, but have amplified some of them in interaction with austerity policies. Policies targeting young workers have delivered limited success in improving the position of the most disadvantaged, and more generally, to reduce dualisation as temporary employment remains very high whilst employment conditions of younger groups have deteriorated and become more widespread among those with higher educational attainment.

Keywords: Dualisation, labour market, temporary employment

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  • Escaping the trap of temporary employment: Precariousness among young people before and after Spain's 2021 labour market reform act Joan M. Verd, Alejandro Godino, Alejandro González‐Heras, Joan Rodríguez‐Soler, in International Journal of Social Welfare e12645/2025
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Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino, Scars that Never Heal: Dualisation and Youth Employment Policies in Spain from the Great Recession to the Corona Crisis in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 159/2021, pp 111-132, DOI: 10.3280/SL2021-159006