Properties and social trajectories: the case of the Pernate family in Spanish Novara

Journal title STORIA URBANA
Author/s Giacomo Lorandi
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/168
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 31-50 File size 187 KB
DOI 10.3280/SU2021-168002
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The most recent studies on the real estate market and on housing practices in the cities of the old regime have highlighted the polysemic meanings of the house, which embraces the social, political and symbolic dimension, as well as the economic one strict sensu. The house, in addition to responding to a primary need, generates status and rights. This article aims above all to propose some interpretative paths. In particular, the urban space of Novara is investigated focusing on the role of the house as a fundamental step in the social climbing for a family of the countryside, as a source of social legitimacy and support to inclusion in the ranks of the Decurionato. At the same time, the research highlights the socio-political value of buying a house from a brotherhood. So, It emerges the importance of the choice of the type of housing, its location and the social connotation that this gave to its owner. The case of the family of Pernate is emblematic because, it is easy to understand all the passages and the dynamics that led it to the top of the administration of Novara from the countryside.

Keywords: Novara, House, Social Climbing, Decurionato, Citizenship, Brotherhood.

Giacomo Lorandi, Immobili e traiettorie sociali. La famiglia Pernate nella Novara spagnola in "STORIA URBANA " 168/2021, pp 31-50, DOI: 10.3280/SU2021-168002