Meet me on the border

Author/s Giurita Zoena
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/2
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 99-110 File size 221 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSP2021-002007
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With the global changes that are rapidly and entirely changing our ways of living, it happens more and more frequently to receive re-quests for psychotherapy from patients that are not actually living in the city but perhaps just passing by. As Psychoanalysts and curious explorers of the whole human dimension, we are demanded to wel-come the needs of our patients, that at times, let us wait on the edges of our known world, gifting us with the possibility to become ourselves that continuity bond from what it was and what it will be. Within a space breaking up in a plurality of virtual and physical places and a dissonant time that twists human interactions, we found ourselves once again exposed to the utter destructivity of trauma. This perspective gives the Analysts the possibility to act as space-time coor-dinates for patients, allowing them to light-touch, without impacts, the thin borders of their very own existence and to bound death through its thoughtfulness.

Keywords: spacetime, virtual sessions, trauma, cumulative microtrau-ma, dissociation, destructiveness.

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Giurita Zoena, Incontriamoci al confine in "PSICOTERAPIA PSICOANALITICA" 2/2021, pp 99-110, DOI: 10.3280/PSP2021-002007