Author/s Pier Antonio Varesi
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/171
Language Italian Pages 40 P. 459-498 File size 407 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2021-171004
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Trade unions representativeness and pluralism 50 years later the so-called "Statuto dei lavoratori". Fifty years after the most important Italian industrial relations law (the so-called "Statuto dei lavoratori") was approved, the essay aims to analyze the Italian legal framework that regulates Trade Unions pluralism and the selection of most representative Trade Unions. The Author pays particular attention to the criteria laid down by the Interconfederal Agree-ments signed in the last decade to evaluate and certify Trade Unions representativeness. In the end, the Author puts forward some proposals for statutory intervention to improve the indus-trial relations system.
Keywords: Statuto dei lavoratori; Trade unions representativeness; Interconfederal Agreements on representativeness; Criteria for the evaluation and certification of representativeness; Pro-posals for legislative action.
Pier Antonio Varesi, Pluralismo e rappresentatività sindacale cinquant’anni dopo lo Statuto dei lavoratori. Proposte per una legislazione mirata di sostegno al sistema di relazioni sindacali in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 171/2021, pp 459-498, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2021-171004