Urban regeneration and real estate finance: re-vitalization strategies for cities in the post-covid era

Author/s Mario Cerasoli, Gianluca Mattarocci
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/3
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 45-60 File size 497 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2021-003004
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The pandemic has changed the lifestyle of citizens by changing the priority order of individu-als in their real estate investment choices and has highlighted the problems of real estate de-velopment in recent decades, which has privileged the location more than the quality of the property pursuing unsustainable settlement models, widespread if not dispersed. The lock-down and smart working have highlighted the need to rethink living standards and conse-quently the real estate assets, favouring size and quality rather than just the location. In this scenario, urban regeneration represents a privileged scenario for intervention, although almost always delegated to the initiative of private operators. On the basis of a combined economic-urban planning analysis, the article highlights the opportunities that urban regeneration can (and must) have on the real estate market and on society and what must then be the mecha-nisms of (good) government territory by public institutions to achieve a reasonable balance between collective interest and private interest (without demonizing the rent value).

Keywords: Urban Regeneration, Real Estate Finance, Smart Cities, Post-Covid Era

Jel codes: R21, R14

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Mario Cerasoli, Gianluca Mattarocci, Rigenerazione urbana e finanza immobiliare: strategie di riuso intelligente delle città nell’era post-covid in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 3/2021, pp 45-60, DOI: 10.3280/ES2021-003004