Family Therapy with self-injured adolescents. Taking charge and experimental protocol in child neuropsychiatry service

Author/s Manuela Camedda, Monica Piccapietra, Roberto Berrini
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/128
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 55-73 File size 694 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2022-128004
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UONPIA International scientific literature shows how is extremely difficult engaging adolescents with severe self-injury behavior in psychotherapy. This is why the multidisciplinary team UONPIA ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo di Milano implemented a specific family psychotherapy service with the goal of creating a family therapy intervention protocol, integrated with the assessment and treatment work for the patients in care of the Self Injury Behavior team. The aim is to offer a path supporting and taking care of the whole system. Working with more than 50 families risulted in the creation of a family psychotherapy protocol for the treatment of adolescent psychopathologies, promoting the development of a new clinical hypothesis on family functioning with a problematic teenager.

Keywords: adolescents, self-injury behavior, family therapy, family system, UONPIA.

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Manuela Camedda, Monica Piccapietra, Roberto Berrini, La terapia familiare con gli adolescenti con comportamenti autolesionisti. Presa in carico e protocollo sperimentale all’interno della NPI in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 128/2022, pp 55-73, DOI: 10.3280/TF2022-128004