Esserci con cura

Author/s Luigina Mortari
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/73
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 46-58 File size 74 KB
DOI 10.3280/LAS2022-073005
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: The essay argues Heidegger’s thesis, according to which care constitutes the «fundamental ontological-existential phenomenon» of the «being-there». The being of the being-there is revealed in acting with care, and the mode of care dominates the entire tem¬poral vicissitude of the human being. Also presented is the distinction between ‘taking care’, as the way in which the human being relates to the entities present in the environment, and ‘caring for’, as the mode of being in the world required by our always being with others, who are in the world not in the form of mere presence but as other being-there. Once the essential core of the Heideggerian thesis has been presented, the discourse focuses on some assertions that are essential in order to think critically about the ontological theme of care.

Keywords: Heidegger, care, concern, devotion

Luigina Mortari, Esserci con cura in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 73/2022, pp 46-58, DOI: 10.3280/LAS2022-073005