Socio-emotional skills in the perspective of integral human development and critical pedagogy: a proposal for pedagogically oriented reconceptualization and beyond functionalist approach

Author/s Paolo Raciti, Vera Paloma Vivaldi
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/2
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 61-77 File size 257 KB
DOI 10.3280/SISS2022-002005
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The effects of the pandemic on the system of social relations and on the emo-tional well-being of individuals have given particular importance to socio-emotional skills, recognized as a key component for the consolidation of inclusive and resilient contexts. In this framework, in the last two years, INAPP has imple-mented socio-emotional skills evaluation activities and pedagogical actions aimed at their stregthening in high vulnerability contexts.

Keywords: socio-emotional skills; human development; critical pedagogy; poverty; inclusion.

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Paolo Raciti, Vera Paloma Vivaldi, Le Competenze Socioemotive nella prospettiva dello sviluppo umano integrale e della pedagogia critica: una proposta di riconcettualizzazione pedagogicamente orientata e oltre la lettura funzionalista in "SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI" 2/2022, pp 61-77, DOI: 10.3280/SISS2022-002005