Profilo di un secentista catanese. Domenico Guglielmini, «fra gli Accademici Infecondi di Roma detto l’Etneo»

Author/s Dario Stazzone
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2021/2
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 57-65 File size 164 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASSO2021-002003
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Profile of a seventeenth-century Catanese: Domenico Guglielmini, «fra gli Accademici Infecondi di Roma detto l’Etneo» This essay reconstructs aspects of the biography and literary work of the Catanese secentist Domenico Guglielmini, preacher, writer, painter and member of various academies throughout Italy. Tracing his poetic work, rich in sapiential allusions, one can detect for the first time his subterranean dialogue with Giordano Bruno and a significant quotation from Gli eroici furori: it does not seem a coincidence that it was precisely this cultured preacher who first identified Catania with the mythical Phoenix after the 1693 earthquake. As for his most famous work, La Catania destrutta, this essay highlits not only its chronicle value, but also the taste for mirabilia, the rich intertextuality, the recourse to topical motifs and the moral intent.

Keywords: Guglielmini, Catania, Poetry, Literature, Culture.

Dario Stazzone, Profilo di un secentista catanese. Domenico Guglielmini, «fra gli Accademici Infecondi di Roma detto l’Etneo» in "ARCHIVIO STORICO PER LA SICILIA ORIENTALE" 2/2021, pp 57-65, DOI: 10.3280/ASSO2021-002003