Towards a community care and justice system

Author/s Pietro Pellegrini, Giuseppina Paulillo, Emanuela Leuci, Cecilia Paraggio, Ilaria De Amicis, Davide Maestri, Silvia Dellapina, Clara Pellegrini, Lorenzo Pelizza
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/1
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 49-68 File size 198 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSF2023-001004
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This manuscript aims to discuss the state of current implementation of the Law 81/2014, which led to the closure of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals in favor of a community welfare system. In particular, we want to involve the Departments of Mental Health (DMH). Indeed, in a framework of inter-institutional collaboration, they were able to achieve what Franco Corleone called a "gentle revolution", which has long awaited and, unfortunately, still awaits a reform. A change of "imputability", the overcoming of the social dangerousness and the security measures are still lacking. The penal code, in force since 1930, is not in harmony with either the Law 180/1978 or the Law 81/2014. However, closing the Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals was neither easy nor obvious, but it was done and the system, still immature, shows many signs of possible maturation. There is no shortage of concerns, accentuated by the lack of dialogue, by defensive and projective attitudes, which fragment and weaken the whole system. A stiffening of the REMS, their definitive stabilization in the context of a path that leads to a new dangerous institutionalization must be avoided. The REMS have the objective of overcoming themselves. Facing the different obstacles, the stigmas and contradictions should be the main goal of the whole system. And this may be done exclusively through the dialogue, through connections, virtuous collaborations of each institution called to collaborate, but also of all the citizens. A "participated" cure and justice system may ensure that limits can become resources, strengths. We need to find a new "meeting point", centered not on places, but on the care pathways of people in the community, on their time lived, remaining close and accompanying each other on the wandering paths of our life. Indeed, if the patient is treated differently, the disease can also be modified.

Keywords: Forensic psychiatry; Forensic psychopathology; Community psychiatry; Offenders with mental illness; Psychiatric services; REMS.

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Pietro Pellegrini, Giuseppina Paulillo, Emanuela Leuci, Cecilia Paraggio, Ilaria De Amicis, Davide Maestri, Silvia Dellapina, Clara Pellegrini, Lorenzo Pelizza, Verso un sistema di cura e giudiziario di comunità in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 1/2023, pp 49-68, DOI: 10.3280/RSF2023-001004