Democracy of Metamorphosis. An Ulrich Beck’s Legacy

Author/s Fulvio Rambaldini
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 13-28 File size 636 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSF2023-002002
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The longer modernisation has progressed and established itself in the world, the more its unexpected consequences have shaken the foundations of contemporaneity. If the idea of metamorphosis represents Ulrich Beck’s last landing place in thought, it can still suggest, today, new interpretative models of reality and possible forms of common life. Starting from the Benjaminian critique of progress as a train hurtling towards catastrophe, this article intends to analyse how blind faith in progress leads to the misrecognition, generalisa- tion and amplification of new global risks. Globalisation has undermined the primacy of politics and there are large actors (e.g. economic ones) capable of putting entire nations in check and destroying social bonds. Closed borders are also an old answer to an increasingly complex and changing problem. From the metamorphoses and the uncontrolled effects they generate, however, a possible model of action also emerges: cosmopolitan and constantly moving. For the survival of all, a new paradigm of cohabitation is needed, one that is conceived on a large scale, that responds to the ever-new challenges that materialise be- fore us, and that is able to accommodate within it the propulsive thrusts that come from every place of its participation. Thus, by confronting Beck’s idea of metamorphosis and democratic proposal, this work intends to open up its perspective to an evolving discourse on democracy and the political that can respond to global challenges and configure new forms of sociality.

Keywords: Metamorphosis; Modernity; Ulrich Beck; Democracy; Polit- ical Philosophy; Sociology; Globalisation

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Fulvio Rambaldini, Democrazia della metamorfosi. Un’eredità di Ulrich Beck in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2023, pp 13-28, DOI: 10.3280/RSF2023-002002