Cogenitorialità, Conflitto Genitore-adolescente e Sintomi Internalizzanti in Adolescenti Brasiliani

Author/s Clarisse Pereira Mosmann, Mariana Rodrigues Machado, Melina Lima, Jeferson Rodrigo Schaefer, Iñigo Ochoa de Alda Martínez de Apellaniz
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/1
Language English Pages 20 P. 67-86 File size 244 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2024-001004
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Coparenting might impact on child development, on the intensity of parent-child con-flict, and on the manifestation of internalizing symptoms. Children’s perception of coparenting and gender specificities are important to understand this phenomenon. The direct relationship mediated by the intensity of the parent-adolescent conflict in symptom manifestation and the effects of the moderation of the adolescent’s gender were investigated. The study included 357 adolescents, 53.2% female, aged 11 to 18 years (M = 14.42; SD = 1.84). The results indicated that the relationship between coparenting and the internalizing symptoms presented by the adolescents are mediated by the intensity of parent-adolescent conflicts. The findings contribute to the identifi-cation of the coparenting reflexes and direct clinical strategies to adolescents and fam-ilies.

Keywords: Coparenting, Conflict, Internalizing Symptoms, Adolescents, Brazil.

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Clarisse Pereira Mosmann, Mariana Rodrigues Machado, Melina Lima, Jeferson Rodrigo Schaefer, Iñigo Ochoa de Alda Martínez de Apellaniz , Coparenting, parent-adolescent conflict and internalizing symptoms in Brazilian adolescents in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 1/2024, pp 67-86, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2024-001004