What lessons can the Child Abuse Services learn from Neurosciences?

Author/s Mariagnese Cheli, Laura Massi
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 127-144 File size 239 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2024-001007
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Can the knowledge acquired by neurodevelopmental sciences, in particular by interper-sonal neurobiology on the structural and functional effects of child abuse, stimulate a useful reflection on and in child protection and care services? This paper intends to ex-amine some suggestions offered by this stimulating theoretical corpus which not only identifies the systemic consequences of child abuse on development, but also the repar-ative variables of this adverse childhood experience. The aim is to support the resilience of the child/adolescent in its developmental dimensions, an area in which interventions should always find integration, but also the resilience of the professionals involved, in order to guarantee what seems to be the variable that most supports the effectiveness of care interventions: the sense of security gained in an authentically intersubjective envi-ronment, from perspective that the mind is a social system.

Keywords: sense of security, attachment and affective continuity, social brain.

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Mariagnese Cheli, Laura Massi, Quali insegnamenti possono apprendere i Servizi di protezione e cura dell’infanzia maltrattata dalle Neuroscienze? in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 1/2024, pp 127-144, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2024-001007