La filiation dans le droit des Etats de l’Union: entre convergences et particularismes

Author/s Rebecca Legendre
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/1
Language French Pages 11 P. 13-23 File size 280 KB
DOI 10.3280/CEU2024-001003
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The essay analyzes the European Commission’s proposal for a Council Regulation on the recognition of parenthood. The attention is focused on the convergences and particularities of national legal systems, and it is stressed that the proposal should define methods for achieving substantive harmony between the laws of the States of the Union. 1.

Rebecca Legendre, La filiation dans le droit des Etats de l’Union: entre convergences et particularismes in "CITTADINANZA EUROPEA (LA)" 1/2024, pp 13-23, DOI: 10.3280/CEU2024-001003