Regenerating to re-inhabit: agro-ecological practices among the ruins of agricultural modernisation in Milan

Author/s Daniel Delatin Rodrigues
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/134
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 113-131 File size 256 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2024-134006
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The subject of this article is experience; specifically, it is the experience of living in and responding to times of climate and environmental change. In particular, I propose to follow the discourses and practices of regeneration as responses to the condition of widespread precariousness that has become a common but not equally experienced horizon. The description and analysis focus on the simultaneous generation of new subjects and new territories. The case study develops in the period of the big climate demonstrations in Milan (2019) and the Covid-19 health emergency. Many activists experienced regeneration as an opportunity to experiment with and multiply local socio-ecological ties; in this sense, this case study allows us to look at emerging subjectivities in times of ecological and climate crisis and the ways in which they attempt to forge tools to respond to these crises.

Keywords: experience, climate change, regeneration, Milan, activism, multispecies

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Daniel Delatin Rodrigues, Rigenerare per ri-abitare: pratiche agro-ecologiche tra le rovine della modernizzazione agricola a Milano in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 134/2024, pp 113-131, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2024-134006