Diversity of Origin. The systemic-relational perspective in procreation medically assisted with gamete donation.

Author/s Margherita Riccio
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/134
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 5-15 File size 601 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2024-134001
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This article arises from my clinical experience in the “Distracted Stork” Service of the Institute of Higher Education and Family Psychotherapy in Florence and in the staff of the Demetra Assisted Procreation Center in Florence and aims to delve deeper into the specific complexities of fertilization with donation of gametes and to offer clinical observation and intervention tools to professionals working in this delicate area of intervention.

Keywords: Heterologous fertilization, biological mourning, genetic difference, donor, gift, narration of origins

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Margherita Riccio, La Diversità d’Origine. L’ottica sistemico-relazionale nella procreazione medicalmente assistita con donazione di gameti in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 134/2024, pp 5-15, DOI: 10.3280/TF2024-134001