The two Freuds: Implications for the nature of the mind

Author/s Morris N. Eagle
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/4
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 553-566 File size 75 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2024-004002
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This paper is mainly an introduction to a new book in preparation, entitled Psycho-analytic Perspectives on Human Nature: Critique, Research, and Clinical Implica-tions, in which it is proposed that different psychoanalytic theories or “schools” es-sentially entail different theories of human nature. This paper is concerned primarily with Freudian theory of human nature. It is argued that there are two Freuds with re-gard to conceptualizations of the function of consciousness, the nature of uncon-scious mental states and processes, the relation between the two, and the nature of the relation between the id and the ego. The paper also discusses the “standard” view of psychoanalysis and the Freud hiding in plain sight. Some clinical implications of the formulations of the two Freuds are also discussed.

Keywords: Human nature; Consciousness; Unconscious states; Id-ego; Danger situations

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Morris N. Eagle, I due Freud: implicazioni per la natura della mente in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 4/2024, pp 553-566, DOI: 10.3280/PU2024-004002