A man of immoderate desires

Author/s Jean Yves Tamet
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 15-28 File size 195 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSP2024-002002
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When the analyst listens, he is at the confluence of contradictory in-fluences between what the patient’s words sketch as images and what is suggested to him by his own imagination. Talking about “images”, opening oneself to this specific language is therefore a delicate matter, as words cannot fully render this sensory influence. Aby Warburg’s surprising and polysemous work is a welcome illustration of how fragments can be used to capture what is psychic life in session. A strong curiosity for books runs through all of Aby Warburg’s life, with such a power of attraction that he made a contract with his younger brother by which he renounced his part of their inheritance provided he could buy all the books he wanted. This appetite went on and was turned toward various discoveries such as an original approach to Ital-ian Renaissance, which was the source of inventive links, and also, while on a trip to New Mexico among the Hopi Indians, he drew out the foundations for an original form of ethnological observation. And thus, quietly, iconology came to life. Warburg’s work developed at the beginning of the 20th century and is therefore contemporary with the definition of the clinical and theoretical construction of Freudian psy-choanalysis. The article is conceived as a discursive path that follows the thread of Warburg’s productions, first presenting a biographical and intellec-tual overview, then developing elements of a Warburgian lexicon around key concepts and finally considering possible relations between Freud and Warburg.

Keywords: fragments, image, interpretation, traces, Warburg.

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Jean Yves Tamet, Un uomo dai desideri smodati in "PSICOTERAPIA PSICOANALITICA" 2/2024, pp 15-28, DOI: 10.3280/PSP2024-002002