The story and identity of a Nigerian teenager, a victim of trafficking and penal institution, reconstructed through the use of drawing and projective graphics

Author/s Federica Romana Gaspari
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/135
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 77-94 File size 240 KB
DOI 10.3280/TF2024-135005
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The wok describes the emblematic case of a Nigerian adolescent, victim of trafficking, taken in prison unjustly with an hard charge of trafficking. Through the collaboration between prison for minors and a project specialized in the assistance of potential victims, the migration story of the girl is collected. The use of projective graphics (tree test, test of the child under the rain, drawing of the family) restores the girl identity and the effects of the many trauma suffered. After the intervention the girl will be identified as a victim officially, assigned to a community for minors where will start an empowerment and care path.

Keywords: Nigerian victim of trafficking; not punishment clause; graphic test; trans-cultural psychology; network activity.

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Federica Romana Gaspari, La storia e l’identità di un’adolescente nigeriana, vittima di tratta e dell’istituzione penale minorile, ricostruite tramite l’uso del disegno e dei reattivi grafici in "TERAPIA FAMILIARE" 135/2024, pp 77-94, DOI: 10.3280/TF2024-135005