Early Warning Systems for financial crises prediction in private companies: Evidence from the Italian context

Author/s Mario Daniele, Elisa Raoli
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language English Pages 29 P. 133-161 File size 222 KB
DOI 10.3280/FR2024-002006
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Purpose: This study compares models for predicting business financial crises, fo-cusing on which are most effective. In light of the new European Directive on business failure, it highlights a trade-off between predictive accuracy and timeli-ness in static models and offers an alternative approach. Design/methodology/approach: This study examines the Italian early warning system (EWS), testing static alert indicators’ predictive ability on a large sample of private companies. It then proposes a dynamic version of the EWS. Findings: The results show a trade-off between predictive ability and timeliness for static models. In contrast, a dynamic system is more accurate in predicting cri-sis events, allowing managers to take corrective actions. Originality: The results highlight the limitations of static prediction models and emphasize the potential of a simple dynamic model that is specifically designed for small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs). Practical implications: This study proposes a dynamic model tailored for SMEs, which are particularly vulnerable to financial crises. This insight can help managers and policymakers balance accurate predictions with timely interventions, especial-ly in European countries implementing crisis prediction models.

Keywords: corporate failure; early warning systems; crisis; crisis prediction

Jel codes: G01, M4, M400, M410, M480

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Mario Daniele, Elisa Raoli, Early Warning Systems for financial crises prediction in private companies: Evidence from the Italian context in "FINANCIAL REPORTING" 2/2024, pp 133-161, DOI: 10.3280/FR2024-002006