Urban density and Covid-19: the spatial spread of the virus in the Bergamo area

Author/s Marco Cremaschi, Carlo Salone, Angelo Besana
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/131
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 5-31 File size 281 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2021-131001
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The paper proposes a systematic review of the impacts of the first wave of Covid-19 on urban forms and topological density in Valseriana, Bergamo. After a literature review, the paper analyses the mortality rate in Italy and local geoeconomical determinants. The pandemic displays a high local variability due to the overlapping of settlement patterns, cultural aspects, and forms of mobility. Such features should lead local institutions to address the necessary adjustment process.

Keywords: Covid-19; spatial spread; density; multiscalar and translocal relationships; Bergamo.

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