New territories for sustainability

Author/s Simone Carmine, Valentina De Marchi
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/1
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 63-72 File size 245 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2022-001005
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The crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic is one of the major crises that our society will face: many experts suggest that the climate crisis and the crisis linked to the biodiversity loss will be much more disruptive. However, environmental crises are global emergencies on a local scale because they have specific territorial consequences. Territories are, therefore, at the heart of these challenges - e.g., the difficulty in growing wine grapevine due to rising temperatures in the Prosecco area or the risk of going below water level for the city of Venice and surrounding territories. These local effects, however, rise quickly to the global level through the network of the complex global value chains on which today’s economic activities are built. This paper reflects on the centrality of territories to understanding climate challenges and developing effective responses. Choosing sustainability will require reshaping territories in terms of geographical boundaries - e.g., ecosystems, natural realities, etc. - and actors’ boundaries - e.g., political, and social actors, not only economic ones - by imagining policies and strategies that disregard the traditional boundaries of the territories looking at the impact from an ecosystem perspective, to implement actions capable of making the territories, and their protagonists, more sustainable and resilient.

Keywords: pandemic, environmental sustainability, resilience, global, territories

Jel codes: O33, Q54, R11

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Simone Carmine, Valentina De Marchi, Nuovi territori per la sostenibilità in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 1/2022, pp 63-72, DOI: 10.3280/ES2022-001005