Uselfulness and limits of the Family drawing test, in the evaluation of child sexual abuse in expert testimony: A field survey

Author/s Andrea Lisi, Valentina Stallone, Maria Giovanna Tomasino, Valeria Affatati, Carmen Dimastromatteo, Ignazio Grattagliano
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 81-96 File size 666 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2013-001005
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This study, which is a case-reports-study, analyzes the utility and limitations of the "Draw-A-Family Test" in identifying graphic signs of abuse when evaluating minors. The drawings of two groups of minors were compared: 8 children where abuse was verified by the Italian courts; and 8 non-abused children who made up the control group. The drawings were analyzed using an ad hoc grid composed of 17 graphic indicators. The results of this study show that no statistically significant differences exist between the two groups in all of the variables investigated. Our data confirm the literature orientation which considers it neither opportune nor methodologically correct to use this instrument in the field of forensics as "proof" that abuse has been perpetrated on a minor.

Keywords: Family Drawing Test, verification of abuse, graphic indicators of abuse

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Andrea Lisi, Valentina Stallone, Maria Giovanna Tomasino, Valeria Affatati, Carmen Dimastromatteo, Ignazio Grattagliano, Utilità e limiti del Disegno della Famiglia nella valutazione dei casi di child sexual abuse in ambito peritale: uno studio casistico in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 1/2013, pp 81-96, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2013-001005