Employee welfare for the worker’s wellbeing: an exploratory survey

Author/s Ariela Mortara, Rosantonietta Scramaglia
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/150
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 139-158 File size 149 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2018-150008
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In the last years, employee welfare policies have joined, if not replaced, those of institutional welfare, to ensure, among other things, the increased wellbeing of people at work. The paper discusses the results of an exploratory research aiming at understanding workers’ appreciation for employee welfare practices, as well as what workers consider most rewarding and which elements of the working environment and methods contribute to their psychophysical wellbeing. The entire sample perceives employee welfare practices as a requirement, the interviewees are on average very interested in all the services, with a clear greater enthusiasm of the female part. Health, as the concern for the health of the entire worker’s family, emerges as a particularly pressing requirement.

Keywords: Employee welfare wellbeing, exploratory survey, Workplace Health Promotion

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Ariela Mortara, Rosantonietta Scramaglia, Welfare aziendale verso il benessere del lavoratore: un’indagine esplorativa in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 150/2018, pp 139-158, DOI: 10.3280/SL2018-150008