Vas e governo del territorio. Prime riflessioni sull’attuazione della Lr. 12/2005 della Lombardia

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Stefano Pareglio
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/52
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 122-134 File size 526 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2010-052021
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Strategic Environmental Assessment (Sea) and governance of the territory. Initial reflections on the implementation of Lombardy regional law 12/2005 - The relationship between SEA and instruments of urban planning assumes forms that depend on the regional government model of governance of the territory, as shown in this initial phase of implementation of Lombardy regional law 12/2005. While the difficulty of making choices (and assessments) at municipal level is all too evident, the findings of the present article highlight several interesting profiles for integrating Sea with governance of the territory. These include the scale of the area in question (with supra-municipal initiatives), the process (in the interaction between the relevant and the competent authorities), participation (extending from the Sea to the plan), contents (i.e. the substance of the plan) and, obviously, the choice of alternatives. Now that it can no longer determine the nature of the plan beforehand, or be referred to in order to claim the right to approve the plan once it has been formulated, Sea is called upon to provide a useful contribution to project planning.

Keywords: Sea; governance of the territory plan; integration. Logistics as a potential lever of strategic local development.

  • Riflessioni critiche sull'efficacia della VAS nel rispondere alle sfide della città contemporanea in Italia Silvia Ronchi, Sara Lodrini, Stefania Anghinelli, in TERRITORIO 106/2024 pp.111
    DOI: 10.3280/TR2023-106014

Stefano Pareglio, Vas e governo del territorio. Prime riflessioni sull’attuazione della Lr. 12/2005 della Lombardia in "TERRITORIO" 52/2010, pp 122-134, DOI: 10.3280/TR2010-052021