Spatial governance, planning systems and land consumption in Europe

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Erblin Berisha, Giancarlo Cotella, Umberto Janin Rivolin, Alys Solly
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/102
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 123-132 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2022-102016OA
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Although a relationship between spatial governance, and land consumption is likely, there are no systematic studies on the issue. The aim of this contribution is to verify whether the variations of land consumption recorded in Europe since 2000 are proportionate to the different performances of spatial governance and planning systems. The comparison, based on the data collected by two ESPON projects, concerns 39 European countries. Overall, the comparison confirms that smaller land take variations are correlated with the European types of system perceived as capable of renewing themselves for a better public control of spatial transformations. Conversely, more marked variations are found in the presence of the more obsolete and less effective types of systems – such as the Italian one.

Keywords: spatial governance; land consumption; sustainability

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  • Co-produzione urbana e sistemi di governo del territorio in Europa Francesca Bragaglia, Erblin Berisha, Giancarlo Cotella, Umberto Janin Rivolin, in TERRITORIO 106/2024 pp.83
    DOI: 10.3280/TR2023-106011

Erblin Berisha, Giancarlo Cotella, Umberto Janin Rivolin, Alys Solly, Sistemi di governo del territorio e consumo di suolo in Europa in "TERRITORIO" 102/2022, pp 123-132, DOI: 10.3280/TR2022-102016OA