Policing the refuge crisis. The emergence of a new moral political economy in the European management of migration

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Miguel Angel Mellino
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 28 P. 193-220 File size 291 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2018-002010
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In mainstream political and theoretical debates it has become so common to speak about "the European Crisis" in defining the current political moment in Europe. This topic is closely tied up to topics such as "the refuge crisis" or phe-nomena such as the increasing spreading of anti-migration walls across Europe, the growth of racist and far-right political movements and radical Islamism within European post-migrant communities. The starting point of my intervention is that what we have today is not something like "the crisis Europe", regarding first of all to the brutal interruption of Schengen UE Europe, but something like the "reverse side" of the Neoliberal European project. Today what we have to cope with is the hidden side of Neoliberalism: not simply a crisis in Europe, but Europe in a time of a crisis. This is could be easily understood once we focus our attention to what can be called, drawing upon Achille Mbembe’s concept, the "necropolitical" constitu-tive side of neoliberal European governmentalities. Necropolitics has its roots in the European colonial rule over colonies and post-war migration within ex-metropolitan societies. Necropolitcs should be considered as the "reverse constitu-tive side" of biopolitics and has at its core Race as a tool of government.

Keywords: Migrazioni; razzismo; antirazzismo; refugee; humanitarism.

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Miguel Angel Mellino, Governare la crisi dei rifugiati. L’emergere in Europa di una nuova "economia politica morale" di gestione delle migrazioni in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 2/2018, pp 193-220, DOI: 10.3280/MM2018-002010