Quadrimestrale dell’Associazione CRS (Centro Studi e Iniziative per la Riforma dello Stato)

3 issues per year, ISSN 0416-9565 , ISSNe 1972-5590

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 60.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 51.50

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For over forty years "Democrazia e diritto" (Democracy and Law) has been characterised by its vocation to cross the boundaries of political and juridical sciences in the discussion of issues related to both institutions and society. This feature makes of it a rare as well as precious case in the wide range of Italian scientific journals. As an extension of this long term commitment, the juridical approach will be at the core of the journal's publishing plan, also because it provides professionals in the legal field - such as magistrates, lawyers and academics - with a service that can be useful to link their disciplinary specialization , too often locked in its particularity, to relevant social themes which are needed to set a better theory and practice of law.

Consiglio direttivo: Michele Prospero (Direttore), Adalgiso Amendola, Stefano Anastasia, Gaetano Azzariti, Laura Bazzicalupo, Claudio Bazzocchi, Maria Luisa Boccia, Roberta Calvano, Thomas Casadei, Giovanni Cerchia, Marco Cilento, Claudio De Fiores, Michele Della Morte, Mario Dogliani, Ida Dominijanni, Luigi Ferrajoli, Domenico Fruncillo, Paola Marsocci, Alfio Mastropaolo, Antonella Meniconi, Alberto Olivetti, Elisa Olivito, Tamar Pitch, Onofrio Romano, Laura Ronchetti, Pasquale Serra.
Comitato scientifico: Antonio Agosta, Umberto Allegretti, Marco Almagisti, Adalgiso Amendola, Stefano Anastasia, Gaetano Azzariti, Laura Bazzicalupo, Claudio Bazzocchi, Maria Luisa Boccia, Ilaria Boiano, Caterina Botti, Mauro Calise, Roberta Calvano, Antonio Cantaro, Thomas Casadei, Giovanni Cerchia, Michela Cerimele, Marco Cilento, Lorenzo Coccoli, Giuseppe Cotturri, Claudio De Fiores, Tristana Dini, Mario Dogliani, Ida Dominijanni, Luigi Ferrajoli, Gianpaolo Fontana, Domenico Fruncillo, Nicola Genga, Chiara Giorgi, Antonella Gliatta, Fabio Longo, Massimo Luciani, Francesco Marchianò, Enrico Maestri, Oreste Massari, Antonio Mastropaolo, Giovanni Messina, Isidoro Davide Mortellaro, Fortunato Musella, Alberto Olivetti, Leonardo Paggi, Francesco Pallante, Michele Prospero, Onofrio Romano, Roberto Schiattarella, Pasquale Serra, Walter Tocci, Grazia Zuffa.
Comitato scientifico internazionale: Franck Decker (Università di Bonn), Robert Ladrech (Università di Keele), Pierre Musso (Università di Rennes II), Gheorghe Stoica (Università di Bucarest), Michael van Walt (Università di Princeton).
Redazione: Francesco Marchianò (Redattore capo), Gemma Alberico, Maurizio Auriemma, Michela Cerimele, Giancarlo D’Anna, Damiano De Rosa, Giovanni Messina, Lorenzo Teodonio, Stefania Vulterini.

For Info:General Editor: via Germanico, 107 00912 Roma; Editors: via della Dogana Vecchia, 5 00186 Roma e-mail:

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The circulation of the journal is intended to enhance the impact in the academic community, the world of research, legal pratictioners, professional associations and representative institutions.

Issue 3-4/2009