Critica degli ordinamenti spaziali

2 issues per year, ISSN 2279-8986 , ISSNe 2531-601X

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 41.50

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Born out of a previous editorial experience (CRU – Critica della Razionalità Urbanistica), CRIOS is an international planning journal grounded on the tradition of critique and open to different contributions from urban studies and social sciences. Spatial orderings are complex devices, socio-spatial configurations as well as systems of norms, to be questioned in the historical and political perspective of contemporary urbanism. The journal’s main aim is dealing with challenges and conflicts in the city, from climate change to social inequalities, from informal settlements to global migrations, entangled in multiple scales and worldly contexts. It is a bi-lingual publication, Italian and English, bridging different research traditions and agendas.
The journal has 4 sections: Cross-critics, a space for critique as a theoretical lever to understand phenomena and modes of organization of contemporary human settlements; Beyond democratic deliberation, dedicated to democracy not just as rational decision-making but also as a practice driven by emotions and non conventional communication practices; Beyond tolerance, focused on spatial orderings as means to fight social exclusion and discrimination and promote hospitality; Beyond sustainability, focused on a different notion of habitability and environmental justice, made of settlements and infrastructures more resilient and metabolically efficient, and open to needs and demands of an ever-changing society

Scientific Editori in chief: Laura Lieto
Editorial board: Collettivo Space Cowboys: Gilda Berruti, Enrico Formato, Laura Lieto, Cristina Mattiucci
Scientific board: Alessandro Balducci, Robert Beauregard, Attilio Belli, Cristina Bianchetti, Alberto Clementi, Marco Cremaschi, John Forester, Carlo Gasparrini, Jean Hillier, Francesco Lo Piccolo, Margo Huxley, Klaus R. Kunzmann, Patrick Le Galés, Alberto Magnaghi, Gabriele Pasqui, Michelangelo Russo
Editorial scientific board: Fabio Amato, Libera Amenta, Anna Attademo, Filippo Barbera, Sara Basso, Alessandro Coppola, Francesco Curci, Daniela De Leo, Lorenzo Fabian, Vincenzo Gioffrè, Giovanni Laino, Stefano Moroni, Federica Palestino, Camilla Perrone, Laura Sajia, Angelo Sampieri, Filippo Schilleci, Maurizio Zanardi, Federico Zanfi
Editorial staff: Francesca Garzilli, Maria Simioli, Federica Vingelli

To contact the Editorial Office: e-mail:

The Journal uses a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are chosen for their expertise. The article will be sent anonymously to reviewers to avoid possible influences due to the name of the author. The editors may decide not to submit the article to any referee in the case it is judged as not relevant, not rigorous or not meeting appropriate scientific standards. Reviewers' evaluations will be sent to the author also in case of negative response.

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Issue 14/2017