Tra devozione e politica. Le chiese e gli ospedali di Santiago e Montserat di Roma, secoli XVI-XVIII

Titolo Rivista STORIA URBANA
Autori/Curatori Gozalo Maximiliano Bariio
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/123
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 27 P. 101-127 Dimensione file 1947 KB
DOI 10.3280/SU2009-123005
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Tra devozione e politica: le chiese e gli ospedali di Santiago e Montserrat di Roma, secoli XVI-XVIII - Between devotion and politics. The churches and hospitals of Santiago and Montserrat in Rome (16th-18th cent.) At the end of the Middle Ages the city of Rome saw the foundation of the hospitals and churches of Santiago of the Castilians, located on piazza Navona, and of Montserrat of the Aragonese Nation, settled on the homonymous street. Both of them were affluent institutions, developing an intense welfare and religious action in favour of their nationals. Little by little they became the tangible symbol of the Spanish presence in Rome, provoking the intervention of the Spanish royal power. The study takes advantage of a wide range of archival sources, reconstructing in detail income, expenses and the investments of the two institutions throughout the 16th to 18th centuries.;

Gozalo Maximiliano Bariio, Tra devozione e politica. Le chiese e gli ospedali di Santiago e Montserat di Roma, secoli XVI-XVIII in "STORIA URBANA " 123/2009, pp 101-127, DOI: 10.3280/SU2009-123005