L'ipnosi cent'anni dopo Freud. Considerazioni teoriche sulla moderna psicoterapia ipnotica e sulle sue implicazioni nei processi di guarigione

Autori/Curatori Fabio Efficace
Anno di pubblicazione 2001 Fascicolo 2001/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. Dimensione file 33 KB
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L'ipnosi cent'anni dopo Freud. Considerazioni teoriche sulla moderna psicoterapia ipnotica e sulle sue implicazioni nei processi di guarigione ABSTRACT: Summary. This article deals with the main role played by hypnosis in all healing process. It is actually well known that emotional states can really impinge upon immunity system’s reaction. On the ground that it is evaluated how hypnotherapy can help oncological patients. Many sperimental researches show that hypnosis is very helpful both to enhance patients ability to handle their symptoms and to struggle against the terminal illness itself. Through hypnotherapy, interpreted as both creative and psychotherapeutic use of the «altered states of consciousness», are triggered the great internal resources of personality of the patients. This article also highlights the main role played by emotions throughout these processes. If we go over the psychological literature about the effectiveness among the various psychotherapeutic approaches, we soon realize that there are no evidences regarding the most helpful one. However, even if we can not rely on a specific therapeutic approach, as a means of certain goal, we know that emotions (broadly speaking) are the most important factors in any kind of psychotherapy. Within this framework it is well understood that hypnotherapy seems to be the best psychotherapeutic approach as it is able to directly link to the whole range of human emotions;

Fabio Efficace, L'ipnosi cent'anni dopo Freud. Considerazioni teoriche sulla moderna psicoterapia ipnotica e sulle sue implicazioni nei processi di guarigione in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 1/2001, pp , DOI: