Alle origini della "telecrazia". L’evoluzione della comunicazione politica in Francia durante la Quarta Repubblica

Autori/Curatori Riccardo Brizzi
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 11-28 Dimensione file 239 KB
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The Origins of Telecracy. The Evolution of Political Communication in France During the Fourth Republic ABSTRACT: This essays analyzes the development of political communication in France at the end of the Fourth Republic by looking at the increasing political legitimation of the use of Tv. While the interconnection between politics and Tv started only in 1958, when general de Gaulle returned to the political scene, the mid-Fifties are an important turning point for the analysis of political communication. In this period a new generation of political leaders subverted the traditional distance between politicians and the masses by using radio and Tv as a new form of political space. This article, which focuses on Pierre Mendès France and Guy Mollet, argues that their government experiences anticipated the absolute personalization of power that took place during the Fifth Republic in the form of a direct relationship between the head of the executive branch and the nation through the use of Tv and, at the institutional level, through the introduction of the referendum and the popular election of the President.;

Riccardo Brizzi, Alle origini della "telecrazia". L’evoluzione della comunicazione politica in Francia durante la Quarta Repubblica in "COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA" 1/2008, pp 11-28, DOI: