Health care outputs, outcomes and performance: a review of the debate

Autori/Curatori Emmanuele Pavolini
Anno di pubblicazione 2010 Fascicolo 2010/suppl. En. 2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 22 P. 145-166 Dimensione file 412 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2010-SU1010
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The essay offers an overview of the international and Italian literature that, in recent years, has studied how to measure and to evaluate the results and the performance achieved by health care systems. The analysis shows which are the principal theoretical and methodological issues in the comparative studies, as well as the difficulties that still nowadays are inherent these measurement attempts.

Keywords:Performance, health care systems, health inequalities, outputs, outcomes, health expenditure financing.

Emmanuele Pavolini, Health care outputs, outcomes and performance: a review of the debate in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" suppl. En. 2/2010, pp 145-166, DOI: 10.3280/SES2010-SU1010