Camminare nella città tra velocità e flânerie

Autori/Curatori Letizia Carrera
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/106
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 17 P. 53-69 Dimensione file 110 KB
DOI 10.3280/SR2015-106003
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Walking is probably the most natural of human activities. However, walking in the city or, better, to experience a city walking through it is considered an unusual practice. The road has been progressively removed as a space of experience or it has been limited to its place of transit of cars in the stricter logic of the modern movement. Walking through the city, however, can be the tool to experience the city itself, to (re)discover the landscapes and to build new landscapes. The virtuous synthesis between different modes of walking in a city, however, need to be found: walking has to find and retrieve the sense of discovery of the flânerie and strolling.;

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Letizia Carrera, Camminare nella città tra velocità e flânerie in "SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE " 106/2015, pp 53-69, DOI: 10.3280/SR2015-106003