Trieste: un porto, una città tra Impero Austro-Ungarico e Mediterraneo

Titolo Rivista STORIA URBANA
Autori/Curatori Sara Basso
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/120
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 20 P. 165-184 Dimensione file 4375 KB
DOI 10.3280/SU2008-120008
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Trieste: A Port and City between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Mediterranean -Trieste was the main commercial port of the Hapsburg Empire on the Mediterranean since 1719. During the 19th century the city underwent a series of projects for upgrading its port facilities and rail projects in order to improve its links with Vienna and with the productive regions inland. Eighteenth-century city planning was an orderly affair leading to an orderly expansion. However, the second half of the nineteenth century brought Trieste into a period of great instability, where projects approved by the government of Vienna clashed with guidelines proposed by the city’s elite The projects presented in this period do not follow any general plan. They are neither broad-range nor long-term. The city developed through partial plans. These plans tried to exploit the plains areas between the sea and the high karst plateau that dominated the city. In addition, they went towards reinforcing the interests of the local economic powers.;

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Sara Basso, Trieste: un porto, una città tra Impero Austro-Ungarico e Mediterraneo in "STORIA URBANA " 120/2008, pp 165-184, DOI: 10.3280/SU2008-120008