"Le fuori casta" potranno salvare l’Italia? Potenzialità e problematiche della rappresentanza femminile in politica

Autori/Curatori Donata Francescato
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 27-44 Dimensione file 111 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2009-001004
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Will the "fuori casta" be able to save Italy? Potentiality and problems of the female representation in politics - Why are there so few women elected to political office? Do women politicians encounter most obstacles near the top as glassceiling theory maintains, or do they face difficulties all along their careers as labyrinth theory would predict? Which supports help women politicians? How do male colleagues view them? Do top women politicians become similar to men in personality traits and values? The paper discusses the results of three studies conducted with about 1000 women and men elected to local and national offices, Women politicians encounter obstacles all along their career, but having integrated feminine and masculine personality traits and adhering to universalistic values they could help restore trust in politicians. Community psychologists, representing a minority within psychology could join with women politicians, a minority within the political world, to fight together for common aims.

Key words: gender and politics, personality traits, values, glassceiling, gender divide, political divide;

Donata Francescato, "Le fuori casta" potranno salvare l’Italia? Potenzialità e problematiche della rappresentanza femminile in politica in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 1/2009, pp 27-44, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2009-001004