La dipendenza da eroina fra abitudine e malattia

Autori/Curatori Monica Pellerone
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/52
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 23 P. 61-83 Dimensione file 59 KB
DOI 10.3280/SAP2009-052005
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La dipendenza da eroina fra abitudine e malattia - P. she is a young woman that has always looked for of "demolish" her cognitive disfunctional scheme, that is: Drugs can help her to assuage her suffering, ther relational and emotional problems, her working and economic difficulties; but this cognitive disfunctional scheme is supported from husband’s deviant behaviours (who is addict) and above all from a type of romantic disfunctional attachment. She is a vulnerabile person, who is’nt successful to face a lot of her stressful situations; she has adopted nearly always a disfunctional style of coping, the Avoidance. In fact, on the psychological sphere, the incapability to give a report with the others, to seek the proximity with the others or build a "distance", denotes an unbalance between the poles of the dependence and of the autonomy. The first contact with the heroin has been a reaction of adjustment that is finalized to assuage symptoms of depression as the suicide attempt, antecedent to the use of the heroin. Which is the anamnestic, diagnostic and therapeutic-rehabilitative way? Etiology and pathogenesis in according to the bio-psico- social model and the complex cognitive therapy.;

Monica Pellerone, La dipendenza da eroina fra abitudine e malattia in "S & P SALUTE E PREVENZIONE" 52/2009, pp 61-83, DOI: 10.3280/SAP2009-052005