Nuove misure urbane. Una ricerca progettuale per Tor Bella Monaca

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Ilaria Valente
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/63
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 4 P. 73-76 Dimensione file 420 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-063014
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Distance becomes a problem in the regeneration of neighbourhoods built in the second half of the twentieth century both from the viewpoint of form and the use of spaces, where the measurements expand in the open intervals and in the shape of the built structures. The hypothesis formulated in the design research project on Tor Bella Monaca is that even those parts of the city built in the second half of the twentieth century can become consolidated, starting from their measurements and rhythms and from the broad intervals that created the basic design, but which must be transformed at the same time to respond to contemporary uses and needs. Remeasurement of the space is therefore a task of interpretation for architectural designers in order to recognise the intrinsic qualities of marginal urban housing designs to support redevelopment strategies which hinge on densification, subtraction, addition and infrastructures for the urban fabric, without trivialising the reconstitution of the proximity and the contact space in a historically anachronistic perspective.;

Keywords:Distance; measurement; density

Ilaria Valente, Nuove misure urbane. Una ricerca progettuale per Tor Bella Monaca in "TERRITORIO" 63/2012, pp 73-76, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-063014