Lo "sport-salute": considerazioni sul caso francese, tra educazione terapeutica e preAscrizione medica

Autori/Curatori Alessandro Porrovecchio, Michael Racodon
Anno di pubblicazione 2019 Fascicolo 2019/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 129-144 Dimensione file 203 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2019-002011
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The regular practice of physical activity is a recognized form of prevention against some long-lasting diseases, as well as a valid support to accompany rehabilitation processes and a recog-nized tool of health education. For example, physical activity is often the core basis of the "therapeutic patient education", regulated in France since 2009 by a specific law. A different matter, the practice of physical activity on medical prescription, institutionalized from Decem-ber 2016, is proposed as an important process of de-medicalization of long-lasting patholo-gies, bringing significant social and cultural innovation in health care and in terms of public health. Through this article, about a year from its institutionalization, we intend to take stock of the functioning of this device, with respect to the therapeutic patient education and the idea of "sport-health", highlighting its limits and potential.;

Keywords:Sport; attività fisica; prescrizione; prevenzione; Francia; educazione alla salute.

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Alessandro Porrovecchio, Michael Racodon, Lo "sport-salute": considerazioni sul caso francese, tra educazione terapeutica e preAscrizione medica in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 2/2019, pp 129-144, DOI: 10.3280/SES2019-002011