Farsi altro. Per una sociologia della moltitudine

Autori/Curatori Giovanni Boccia Artieri
Anno di pubblicazione 2003 Fascicolo 2002/33
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 13 P. Dimensione file 63 KB
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Analysing how the relationship between individual and society is articulating asks for dealing with the forms of connexion between these two separate levels by the access to a median observation level of relational kind. In accordance with Michel Serres this level can be identified in the multiple, and observed in the form of the multitude, a stage of pre-aggregation that stands out on the background of the social contingence as a growing phenomenon. From this point of view the dynamics of getting other is sociologically noticeable; dynamics which is the process of virtualisation that concerns the status of contingence, interiorized by the subject and prompted by the informational technologies. This status shows itself in the body, progressively see-through, and in the constitution of community neo-forms, interpreted as plural subjectivities. Adequate contests to the renewed process of the hominescence.;

Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Farsi altro. Per una sociologia della moltitudine in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 33/2002, pp , DOI: