Il linguaggio della tenerezza e il linguaggio della passione: riflessioni sul contributo di Sàndor Ferenczi del 1932 a Wiesbaden (1983)

Autori/Curatori Johannes Cremerius
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2006/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 26 P. Dimensione file 185 KB
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The language of tenderness and the language of passion: reflections on Sàndor Ferenczi'spaper of 1932 in Wiesbaden ABSTRACT: Sándor Ferenczi’s paper, titled Confusion of tongues between children and adults and presented at the psychoanalytic congress of Wiesbaden in 1932, is reviewed and discussed. This paper, which emphasizes the role of environmental factors and de-emphasizes the role of drives in the origins of neuroses, was criticized by Sigmund Freud who had originally asked Ferenczi to withdraw it. The relationship between Freud and Ferenczi and the nature of their disagreement are discussed. Finally, Ferenczi’s theoretical and clinical contributions are reviewed and appreciated, also in light of their later elaboration by Michael Balint. Ferenczi’s pioneering studies, which have been ignored for several years, anticipated many ideas of the English school of psychoanalytic object relation theory. [Key words: Sándor Ferenczi, psychoanalytic technique, history, trauma, seduction theory];

Johannes Cremerius, Il linguaggio della tenerezza e il linguaggio della passione: riflessioni sul contributo di Sàndor Ferenczi del 1932 a Wiesbaden (1983) in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 3/2006, pp , DOI: