La ricerca sociale partecipata e la partecipazione di pazienti alla ricerca sulla sofferenza detta psichica

Autori/Curatori Sergio Piro
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 13 P. 79-91 Dimensione file 480 KB
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The Author analyses the outcomes of patient participation in research groups investigating social and psychiatric exclusion. Methods: multiple participatory observation. The patients followed a brief course in research methodology with a final examination, and were awarded a modest scholarship. The patients participated to all the steps of the research including the draft of the final report. Results: marked transformational outcomes were observed in all 6 patients, even if in the case of 2 patients, the outcomes were difficult to evaluate due to a shift of the evaluation system under the pressure of the different meanings attributed to dichotomous transformations (e.g. autonomy or adaptation). Conclusion: this research should be carried on with a larger number of patients on the threshold of growing autonomy (e.g. end of treatment; independent decision of leaving the mental health service; eagerness to live on; self-determination in the reorganization of the life program).;

Sergio Piro, La ricerca sociale partecipata e la partecipazione di pazienti alla ricerca sulla sofferenza detta psichica in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 3/2007, pp 79-91, DOI: