Un reddito di base per tutti

Titolo Rivista PARADIGMI
Autori/Curatori Philippe Van Parijs
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 17 P. 35-51 Dimensione file 165 KB
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FrancoAngeli è membro della Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA)associazione indipendente e non profit per facilitare (attraverso i servizi tecnologici implementati da CrossRef.org) l’accesso degli studiosi ai contenuti digitali nelle pubblicazioni professionali e scientifiche

A universal basic income ABSTRACT: The idea of a universal basic income (UBI) has been thought in the course of the last two centuries. In the last two decades, however, it has gradually become the subject of an unprecedented and fast expanding public discussion throughout the European Union. A basic income is an income paid by a political community to all its members on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. UBI differs from other existing benefits and appeals to a conception of social justice as the fair distribution of the real freedom to pursue the realization of one’s conception of the good life, whatever it is. Furthermore, UBI aims at being a remedy to both poverty and unemployment, and helps in pursuing the main objectives of feminism and environmental movements. In spite of some plausible objections, UBI seems to be a reasonable and powerful idea, aimed at improving the human condition both in affluent societies and LDC.;

Philippe Van Parijs, Un reddito di base per tutti in "PARADIGMI" 1/2008, pp 35-51, DOI: