Psicoterapia psicoanalitica breve nei disturbi dell'alimentazione. Uno studio di efficacia

Autori/Curatori Vittorio De Luca, Francesca Aveni, Paola Serafini e gruppo di ricerca SIPP, Massimo Cuzzolaro
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 22 P. 30-51 Dimensione file 189 KB
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Brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the eating disorders. A study of efficacy - Psychotherapeutic interventions are currently considered the treatment of choice for Eating Disorders, as long as included within a team approach providing medical, nutritional and psychiatric evaluations, pharmacological and psycho-social interventions. Nevertheless, psychotherapies in general and psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapies in particular have provided mixed evidences, with different impact on short and long term results. In this preliminary study, a small sample of patients with eating disorders underwent both a basic outpatient treatment and a 1-year brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy, while another sample, paired for diagnosis, age, gender and illness duration, was treated only with the basic outpatient treatment. Clinical and psychometric (Eating Attitude Test, Body Uneasiness Test, Derogatis Symptom Check List) data were compared at baseline and at the end of the psychotherapy. Key Words: Eating disorders; Brief Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy; Evidence Based Psychotherapy; Psychotherapy Efficacy.;

Vittorio De Luca, Francesca Aveni, Paola Serafini e gruppo di ricerca SIPP, Massimo Cuzzolaro, Psicoterapia psicoanalitica breve nei disturbi dell'alimentazione. Uno studio di efficacia in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 1/2008, pp 30-51, DOI: