Nuovi italiani. Forme di identificazione tra i figli di immigrati inseriti nella scuola superiore

Autori/Curatori Luisa Leonini, Enzo Colombo, Paola Rebughini
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 20 P. 59-78 Dimensione file 269 KB
DOI 10.3280/SP2009-001005
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New Italians. Forms of identification emerging from students with migrants origins in Italian higher schools - This article discusses the future of the second and third generations in Italy by developing a generational perspective. Through the adoption of a constructionist theoretical approach, informed by works on globalization and the new social movements, it tries to advance beyond the limits of theories and observations at time of fordism, based on concepts of either assimilation or integration. The paper presents an on-going research on students of foreign origins who attend high schools in Milan. By doing so, it focuses on the specificity of the Italian situation and it highlights new and innovative forms of identification, as they are changing alongside current ideas of belonging, membership, citizenship and difference. Hence, the actual experience of the second and third generations, and their new forms of identification, emerge as a useful starting point to understand some peculiarities of the contemporary world. Keywords: Second Generation, Social Movements, Social Integration, Immigration in Italy, Education.;

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Luisa Leonini, Enzo Colombo, Paola Rebughini, Nuovi italiani. Forme di identificazione tra i figli di immigrati inseriti nella scuola superiore in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" 1/2009, pp 59-78, DOI: 10.3280/SP2009-001005